Sitemap Advance
Posts by category
- Category: Agriculture & Fisheries
- Another $25m IFC loan to a Bangladeshi company PRAN 2020/11/01
- Back to Black Tiger as Profits Plunge 2021/06/27
- Category: Energy & Utilities
- Gas reserve potential left unexplored in Bangladesh 2021/03/05
- Facts Check: Power Generation in Bangladesh 2021/02/28
- Top 20 loan defaulters in Bangladesh named 2019/02/28
- 200MW solar power plant to be built for $300m in Bangladesh 2017/01/10
- Japan fails to secure VAT Exemption for JICA funded project in Bangladesh 2021/02/23
- Category: Finance & Investment
- Weak NBFIs in Bangladesh barred from paying dividend 2021/02/26
- Bangladesh’s “Ease of doing business Index” Ranking dilemma! 2021/05/17
- Bangladesh German Bilateral Relations in Brief 2020/03/05
- Bangladesh’s $8 billion credit risk from the global retailers and brands 2021/01/29
- 300,000 loan defaulters in Bangladesh officially 2021/01/25
- Default loans fall due to relaxed rules in Bangladesh 2021/01/25
- Non-performing loans may increase as recovery remains slow 2021/02/07
- Bangladeshi RMG manufacturers chocking as orders fell by 30% 2021/02/08
- High inflation – Low reserve – Weak currency risk spiral of economic downturns in Bangladesh 2023/09/01
- Foreign employment must be brought under regulations in Bangladesh 2019/09/18
- Banks stressed assets not published in Bangladesh 2020/07/19
- EU Trade Preference GSP+ to Bangladesh Conditional 2020/10/21
- Opportunities beyond clothing in Bangladesh 2021/04/20
- Enforcement of laws against illegal employment in Bangladesh 2018/11/23
- Japan’s US$1.20b development aid package to Bangladesh facing delay 2015/07/04
- Default loan outpace recovery rate in Bangladesh 2019/03/31
- IMF Presses more realistic historic high default loan 11.11% in Bangladesh 2024/06/06
- Liquidity crunch in the banking sector deepening 2019/05/19
- How prepared are Banks in Bangladesh absorbing COVID19 shock 2020/08/20
- Greetings to the BGCCI members by General Counsel Mrs. Stein 2020/10/31
- Uttara Finance and Investments Ltd BDT 5,100cr scam: UTTARAFIN 2021/01/12
- 50% of Bangladesh’s Businesses are at Credit Default Risk 2022/01/22
- BGCCI International Webinar: Post-COVID Economic Relations between Bangladesh & Germany 2021/01/27
- Category: Foreign Investment
- Category: Infrastructure
- Dhaka needs to remove its rocky anti-FDI atmosphere 2014/08/24
- Land tariffs for 17 economic zones in Bangladesh set 2017/01/10
- Bangladesh Govt. to reclaim 2,000-acre KEPZ project land jeopardising $1.2b FDI 2015/06/21
- Japan withdraws US$25m aid from BTCL project for attempted corruption 2015/08/13
- Protected: Municipal Waste Water Treatment Project in Bangladesh 2020/12/23
- Category: Transport & Logistics
- Category: ITC & Software
- Category: Laws & Rights
- GSP Plus may be at risk if government offices in Bangladesh do not work without “money” 2022/10/02
- Board of Investment (BoI) will be replaced 2014/09/03
- No Trade Union – Workers’ Welfare Associations at EPZ 2014/10/23
- Bangladesh among worst places to work: Garment sector found to be key culprit 2015/06/12
- ILO presses Bangladesh for rules on labour law 2015/05/22
- Amended Bangladesh Labour Act in force but not implemented 2014/12/24
- Top labour leaders under tax authority’s scanner 2017/01/24
- Upto 30 percent less from payments out of Bangladesh 2018/07/08
- Bangladesh passes EPZ Labour Ordinance 2019/01/15
- Maternity Benefits in Bangladesh 2018/11/15
- Is GSP an Economic Privilege or a Blank Cheque 2013/07/05
- Preparedness for the German Supply Chain Act 2022/02/18
- Category: Leather & Jute
- Category: Legal & Compliance
- Workers’ anger in the strategy of the owner 2019/01/08
- Category: Miscellaneous
- Category: Shipbuilding & Recycling
- Category: Sustainability & CSR
- Category: Textile & Garments
- Tripartite council to address RMG sector labour issues 2017/03/12
- Japanese companies rate Bangladesh as top investment destination: JETRO Survey 2016/02/24
- Bangladesh Export earnings target falls short by 6.0 pc 2015/06/09
- 300 new garment factories spring up in 2 yrs as 450 down shutters 2015/01/01
- Bangladesh Sustainability Compact – Tasks Ahead 2017/03/20
- Bangladesh Sustainability Compact Achievements 2017/03/27
- Sustainability Compact – Achievements and Challenges 2017/04/02
- Explosives screening mandatory for direct cargo services to the EU 2017/06/06
- Many garment factories in the list of non-payment risks before Eid 2017/08/25
- Sourcing from Bangladesh is expected to be 9% higher 2018/01/16
- Privatisation of government service hinders FDI in Bangladesh 2017/11/22
- Production at risk as AnnonTex fails rescheduling EUR 374 million default loans 2021/01/27
- Delays and delivery default risks unavoidable 2021/07/30
- Category: Transport & Logistik
- Category: Uncategorised
- Cardboard box for Frozen Shrimp export 2000/08/16
- Category: Water & Maritime
- Category: 投資・金融
- 日本企業はバングラデシュを一番の投資先として評価(ジェトロ調べ) 2016/11/04