Patent & Trademark
Patent & Trademark
We provide entrepreneurs and individuals with pro-active, sophisticated and creative solutions so that we can help them stay ahead of their business curve and, importantly, assist in seizing new opportunities for sustainable growth.
Stein & Partners has earned an outstanding reputation for its sophisticated representation of clients in discrete areas of practice such as Litigation, Regulatory Law, Patent Law, Trade Law and Securities, among others.
In it’s role as “Special Counsel” Stein & Partners has been engaged by major companies across Europe and Asia to address complex issues in tandem with corporate law departments and major decision makers. Apart from its grasp of complex and often time-sensitive issues, clients have appreciated the firm’s business centred approach and heightened familiarity with the corporate general counsel model. Stein & Partners offers legal advice throughout the complete business cycle.
- Drafting business contracts
- Tax and incentive advice
- Employment law and contracts
- Auditing